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XML is Ten!2008-02-12:Ten years ago, on 10 February 1998, W3C published as a W3C Recommendation. W3C is marking the ten-yearanniversary of XML by andextending thanks to the dedicated communities - including people who haveparticipated in W3C's XML groups and mailing lists, the SGML community, andxml-dev - whose efforts have created a successful family of technologiesbased on the solid XML 1.0 foundation. The success of XML is a strongindicator of how dedicated individuals, working within the W3C Process, canengage with a larger community to produce industry-changing results.

'Todaywe celebrate the success of open standards in preserving Web data fromproprietary ownership,' said Jon Bosak, who led the W3C Working Group thatproduced XML 1.0. Read the and.and learnmore about. WAI-ARIA for Accessible Rich Web Applications: FirstPublic Working Drafts2008-02-04: The published FirstPublic Working Drafts of:. combines the twopreviously-published ARIA draft specifications: WAI-ARIA Roles, andWAI-ARIA States and Properties.

provides background on accessibility issues related toJavaScript, and introduces the technical approach used in WAI-ARIA. describes how Web content developers can developaccessible rich Web applications using WAI-ARIA.WAI-ARIAdefines a way to make Web content and Web applications more accessible topeople with disabilities.

It especially helps with dynamic content andadvanced user interface controls developed with Ajax, HTML, JavaScript, andrelated technologies. An updated was also published.Additionally, the published a and updated. Read the announcement and about the. Toward More Transparent Government: Workshop Report on eGovernment andthe Web2008-01-31: W3C has published a Workshop Report:. Participants discussed ways to facilitatethe deployment of Web standards across government sites and how to shapethe ongoing research agenda in the development of Web technology and publicpolicy in order to realize the potential of the Web for access to and useof government information. Held 18-19 June , in Washington D.C.,USA, the Workshop was jointlyorganized.

Learn more about. Call for Review: Canonical XML 1.1Proposed Recommendation2008-01-29: The has published the ProposedRecommendation of. The specification establishes a method for determining whether twodocuments are identical, or whether an application has not changed adocument, except for transformations permitted by XML 1.0 and Namespaces inXML. Canonical XML 1.1 is a revision to designed toaddress issues related to inheritance of attributes in the XML namespacewhen canonicalizing document subsets, including the requirement not toinherit xml:id, and to treat xml:base URI pathprocessing properly. Comments are welcome through 07 March. Learn moreabout. SKOS Simple Knowledge Organization SystemReference (First Public Working Draft)2008-01-25: The has published the First Public Working Draftof.

This document defines the SimpleKnowledge Organization System (SKOS), a common data model for sharing andlinking knowledge organization systems via the Semantic Web. SKOS providesa standard, low-cost means to describe the semantic relationships betweenexisting knowledge systems and to port those systems to the Semantic Web.SKOS also provides a lightweight, intuitive language for developing andsharing new knowledge organization systems. Learn more about the.

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Vitantonio Glass Panini Press Manual

W3C Publishes HTML 5 Draft, Future of WebContent2008-01-22: W3C today published anearly draft of, a majorrevision of the markup language for the Web. The is creating HTML 5 to be the open, royalty-freespecification for rich Web content and Web applications. 'HTML is of coursea very important standard,' said Tim Berners-Lee, author of the firstversion of HTML and W3C Director. 'I am glad to see that the community ofdevelopers, including browser vendors, is working together to create thebest possible path for the Web.' New features include APIs for drawingtwo-dimensional graphics and ways to embed and control audio and videocontent. HTML 5 helps to improve interoperability and reduce software costsby giving precise rules not only about how to handle all correct HTMLdocuments but also how to recover from errors. Discover other, readthe, and learn moreabout the future of.

Relationship Between Mobile Web and Web ContentAccessibility (First Public Working Draft)2008-01-22: The and the have published the First Public Working Draft of. See the.The groups encourage people to start by reading, which shows how design goals for accessibility and mobileaccess overlap. A third document, provides examples ofbarriers that people (without disabilities) face when interacting with Webcontent via mobile devices, and similar barriers for people withdisabilities using desktop computers. Learn more about the and the. W3C Advisory Committee Elects TAG Participants2008-01-22: The W3C Advisory Committee has electedAshok Malhotra (Oracle), T.V. Raman (Google), and Henry Thompson(University of Edinburgh) to the W3C. Continuing TAG participants are NoahMendelsohn (IBM), David Orchard (BEA), Jonathan Rees (Science Commons),Norm Walsh (Sun), and Stuart Williams (HP), who co-Chairs the TAG with TimBerners-Lee.

Theof the TAG is to build consensus around principles of Web architecture andto interpret and clarify these principles when necessary, to resolve issuesinvolving general Web architecture brought to the TAG, and to helpcoordinate cross-technology architecture developments inside and outsideW3C. SPARQL Standard Opens Data on theWeb2008-01-15: Today, the World Wide WebConsortium made it easier to share and reuse data across application,enterprise, and community boundaries with the publication of three newSemantic Web standards for(pronounced 'sparkle'). SPARQL is the query language for the Semantic Web(see ).SPARQL queries hide the details of data management, which lowers costs andincreases robustness of data integration on the Web.

'Trying to use theSemantic Web without SPARQL is like trying to use a relational databasewithout SQL,' explained Tim Berners-Lee, W3C Director. There are already of thestandard, which is comprised of three W3C Recommendations:,. Read the, and learn more aboutthe. W3C Invites Implementations of SMIL 3.0 (CandidateRecommendation)2008-01-15: The has published the CandidateRecommendation of, an XML-based language thatallows authors to create interactive multimedia presentations. Using SMIL3.0, an author can describe the temporal behavior of a multimediapresentation, associate hyperlinks with media objects and describe thelayout of the presentation on a screen. The Working Group is building a help ensure interoperableimplementation. Learn more about W3C work on.

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Inventive Designers is an activemember of the XSL WG. It offers a complete output solution, calledScriptura XBOS, that is platform independent, very user-friendly and basedon W3C standards such as XML, XSLT, XSL-FO, SVG, and SOAP 1.2. Members. Get Involved. More ways toIntroduction.W3C Team.Presentations.News Room. ( ).The, part of the translate many W3C home page news items. W3C Offices arelocated in these parts of the world:.

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