Family Tree Builder
Gembox.spreadsheet 3.9 unlimited key. PROVO, Utah & TEL AVIV, Israel-( )-,the popular family history network, today announced the release ofFamily Tree Builder 7.0, free genealogy software that combinesinnovative technology with easy-to-use features. The millions of familyhistory enthusiasts and genealogists worldwide using Family Tree Builderto explore, document and showcase their roots, can now synchronize theirfamily tree between different devices and enjoy sophisticated ways ofmaking new discoveries via the cloud.Family Tree Builder 7.0 is available as a free download from.Using the new software, users can now optionally synchronize theirentire family history between their computer and their online familytree on MyHeritage. This connection of genealogy software to the cloudenables users to access their family history anytime and anywhere. Italso enables users to benefit from the renowned network effects ofMyHeritage’s huge user community, with advanced matching technologiesthat automatically search millions of user-contributed family trees fromaround the world and a database of billions of historical records, tohelp users make breakthrough discoveries. The new version 7.0 adds newlanguages to cater to family history fans in the Far East, enjoys agraphical facelift and sports better looks.“Feature-packed and cloud-powered, Family Tree Builder has become amust-have tool for anyone interested in family history”, said GiladJaphet, Founder and CEO of MyHeritage.
“We’re proud to be bringingfamily history to the masses with the most technologically advanced, yeteasy-use software for building a family’s digital legacy and preservingit for future generations. By combining helpful family tree tools forcharting a family’s course through history, with an advanced sync systemand Record Matching technology, new Family Tree Builder 7.0 offers anunbeatable journey to the past.”New Sync SystemAll family tree information is synchronized, including photos, videos,audio files, notes, sources, citations and other information, exceptprivate information such as DNA markers which never leaves the user’scomputer.
Family Tree Builder Mac
The family history data can now be privately and securelyviewed, edited and expanded from any device - the user’s computer, theuser’s online family site on MyHeritage – or via the for iPad, iPhone and Android. Users have fullcontrol of who can be granted permission to view or add information. Thenew sync system also provides a backup of the users’ precious data.Record Matching technologyWhereas previous versions of Family Tree Builder already enjoyed SmartMatching™ technology, which brought users matches from the millions ofuser-contributed family trees on MyHeritage, the new version 7.0 is thefirst to enjoy the company’s successful Record Matching technology,recently praised by well-known genealogy bloggers and opinion leadersJames Tanner and Randy Seaver as “”.Record Matching is a discovery-finder and a time-saver. It automaticallyresearches every individual in the user’s family tree and looks formatching historical records with high accuracy. All historical recordsfound are consolidated in one convenient report, which the user can thengo over systematically.
Record Matching is the world’s first and onlytechnology capable of automatically finding newspaper articles aboutone’s ancestors.Additional language capabilitiesFamily Tree Builder 7.0 has been rewritten to support Unicode, whichmeans that data can be entered in any language and saved accurately asentered. The software has been expanded from 37 to 40 languages, byadding support for the first time for Chinese (Simplified andTraditional), Japanese and Korean, as MyHeritage expands its globalnetwork into the Far East.The full range of features in Family Tree Builder is ideal for beginnersand professionals alike, and includes photo albums, automatic facedetection technology for photo tagging, beautiful family tree charts,poster printing, reports and statistics, interactive maps, support forDNA, automatic consistency checks and much more. The software is basedon the Freemium model. It can be downloaded and used for free forbuilding an unlimited-sized tree on one’s computer. Premium features ofthe software can be unlocked for a one-time purchase and affordablesubscriptions are available for online family sites of unlimitedcapacity and access to premium content.Family Tree Builder 7.0 is available for Windows.
The company is workingon adding support also for Mac OS X and this will be available startingwith the next version of the software.About MyHeritageMyHeritage is the family history network helping millions of familiesaround the world discover and share their legacy online. Pioneers inmaking family history a collaborative experience for the entire family,MyHeritage empowers its users with innovative search tools, a massivelibrary of historical content and an international collection of familytrees.
Family Tree Builder Software Program
The site is available in 40 languages. For more information visit.