Install Cutepdf Without Admin Rights Policy

  1. Cutepdf Settings

I want to install OOo on my office desktop but (like so many of us) I don't have admin rights Running the install unpacks to the desktop in the usual way but then fails as it tries to install from the unpacked files. Are there, somewhere, instructions for moving the unpacked files into place manually? Alternatively is there version I can download and unpack in a place I specify - for example, Eclipse is supplied as and so long as I unpack it somewhere other than 'C:Program Files' it works fine; version of OOo that does the same thing would be very, very useful.This is for OOo 3.2 (without the JRE - my machine already has that in place) on WinXP 32bit. Unfortunately the paranoid security where I work has decided to block, so if I want to go that way it'll have to wait until I get home (which, actually, is why I was asking the question - I have a document I need to work on right away, and in any case I'd like 3.2 because of the MSWord file format support).

Install cutepdf without admin rights policy windows 10

What's the latest version they have available as a portable? (The one I have on here right now is 3.0.1, and it's giving me some problems with drawings hence another reason to update to a later version.). I think I need to clarify. I write docs at work with OOWriter (the portable version, of course), and I always keep them as.odt files. If I need to hand off a doc to someone else I save as MSWord format and send that, or alternatively export as a PDF. I don't use MSWord unless I really, really have to - it gets clunkier and harder to use with every version that comes out, but it's the 'official' in-house WP so we're kinda stuck with it.

But thanks to OOo, I can generally avoid that POS and with file format support improving in OOo it gets better as time goes on.The doc I'm working on right now is for work, so I have no need or desire to take it home, and even if I did I would take it as an ODT file (I have 3.2 on my home desktop, and you won't find any MSOffice stuff on there).So I can use the portable version, but in general they tend to lag behind the latest release by quite a bit. It would be nice if I could always get the latest version and unpack it without requiring admin rights, which is one reason I was asking if it's possible. (The other reason being that I'd really like to get 3.2 on here within the next hour or two, since the 3.0.1 portable version I'm using keeps screwing up my drawings.).

Hagar de l'Est wrote:That's an OS problem, not an OOo one!But Windows is very bad about rights management, that's one of the main reasons why viruses are so common for Windows users.What I mean is, why can't they create download that you can expand where you need it, instead of having to download an.exe that fires up the Windows installer? Is there something in OOo that really, really needs to have admin priv to work? Or is it, as I suspect, just the installation process?

I think it must be possible to do this - the portable version I've been using works just fine (apart from the drawing problem I mentioned) and if it's missing features that had to be torn out to make it work without admin rights, I don't know what they are and they're obviously nothing I can't live without (since if I needed 'em, I'd know they weren't there). So why can't we have a non-installer Windows version?I'm not trying to be argumentative here - it's just that I don't really see this as specifically an OS problem, or least not a problem that couldn't be fixed.

New features:.Restricting access to color printing is now much simpler. All printers now have a filter for selecting theuser groups who have color printing access.Watermarking and job attribution is now available for PCL5 printer drivers, in addition to the existingPostScript support.

Next up: PCL6. New reports to compare printing over time (e.g. Last month to this month).Enhancements:. Novell OES: Print jobs manually canceled from iPrint queues are now automatically refunded.


Novell OES: Improvements to cluster install notes. Scheduled reports can now be copied. New features:. Default shared account - New option to give users a default shared account. The defaultaccount is then pre-selected in account selection pop-ups making it faster to select commonly used accounts. Secondary user directory - Some organizations have more than one user directory (e.g. AMicrosoft Active Directory and a separate LDAP server).

This options allows importing, synchronizing andauthenticating against two separate user directory sources.Enhancements:.When multiple jobs are released from a Windows hold/release queue the original job print order is nowmaintained. Improved support for Windows Server Core.Bulk user actions may now be performed based on users' last activity date. This release contains a and administrators should factor thisinto their upgrade plan.New features:.- Administrators can now configure users to have multiple personal account balances.This advanced feature can be used at a basic level to separate cash from quota and at an advanced level to givedepartments better control over cost recovery processes. Re-sending data after connection - Secondary Print Servers now have the ability to store print event resultswhen communication with the PaperCut Application Server is lost. These events can be then replayed back to the primaryserver when communication is restored. Watermarking and Job Attribution - It is now possible to add dynamically constructed text to the bottom of eachpage (e.g. Username, student number, date) as a watermark.

The font sizes, gray-level and position on page tobe changed. (Watermarking is currently listed as an experimental feature and only supports PostScript printers). Digital Signatures - Watermarking has been extended to also support adding a unique digital signature to each document.Signatures are generated using a cryptographic HMAC based on SHA1 or MD5. New features:. Scheduled reports may now be saved to disk as well as sent via email.

New server-commands and web services APIs for adjusting/setting group memberships. This helps administrators on large networks by avoidingthe need to fire off a full user/group sync when a user provisioning script may have created just a single user.Enhancements:.Improved print release (hold/release queue) performance on large networks where there are many jobs in a held state. The link displayed on the user client tool can now be conveniently configured via Options - General.

Linux/Mac: The 'nobody' user is now automatically flagged as an unauthenticated user.Improved behavior when user is set to 'Auto charge to single shared account' and that account is deleted. New features:.Advanced print scripting:.New recipe for copyright sampling. This script demonstrates the use of advanced techniques such assampling, using functions and multi-step user interaction.

New recipe to confirm printing of color emails. New recipe for redirecting a job with confirmation.New advanced recipe to require that users enter an approval code before printing (e.g. Printing must beapproved by a teacher). New snippets for checking printer group and user group membership. Added an option to speed up the process of displaying a sequence of multiple prompts to a user.Added support for card+PIN authentication at release stations (in addition to the existing card onlyauthentication).New payment gateway module for Blackboard, including pay-and-release support (pay for printing at a releasestation).New hold/release paper saving reports, showing jobs that were held in a hold/release queue and never printed(i.e. Either cancelled by the user or timed out).New server-commands and web services APIs for:.


Adding and setting printer groups. Adding and setting printer custom fields.Enhancements:.Visual improvements to the release station, particularly on Windows systems using the 'classic' look/theme.Removed the use of many 'modal' dialog boxes in the release station. New features:.Page-level color detection is now supported with PCL6 / PCLXL drivers (in addition to the existing PCL5,PostScript and HPGL). Quotas (scheduled automatic payments) may now be implemented for shared accounts. New web services APIs and server-commands to change user account selection settings.When importing card numbers from AD/LDAP the card number may now be extracted from the field using a regularexpression. New features:.

Cutepdf Settings

Advanced Scripting: The most powerful feature added to PaperCut yet! Advanced Scripting empowersadministrators by allowing them to write scripts that execute when new jobs arrive. This opens up a whole hostof possibilities such as:. Displaying a pop-up message if a user forgets to select duplex on large jobs. Showing statistics on the environmental impact on large jobs via a fancy popup dialog.

Prompting the user to confirm large jobs before printing. Automatically routing large jobs to more efficient high volume printers. And much much more!. Custom printer fields: To assist with printer management, administrators can define extrametadata fields for storing ad-hoc data. These fields may represent data such as asset numbers,last date of print service, owner, details of lease arrangements, etc. Fields may also be used in reports.The Mac client software has been enhanced to leverage the system-wide login hook for authentication.This means that in some situations the PaperCut client popup authentication dialog can be eliminated,avoiding the need for users to log in twice - once for the system and then again for PaperCut.Enhancements:.CSV reports with date and time representations will now be automatically recognized by popular spreadsheetapplications.Support for monitoring locally attached printers on Novell networks.

Remote queues mapped via IPP are nowignored so only locally attached printers are detected.The 'Microsoft Office Document Image Writer' virtual printer is ignored by default on secondary server installs. Improved documentation on how to set up PaperCut in a Novell cluster.Improved the PDF version of the user manual - smaller font, less paper! New features:.Printers may now be assigned to groups. This allows administrators to group, report and manage printers by anyattribute. Groups are administrator-defined and can include classes such as type, make, physical location andwork area amongst others.The user client software has moved out of the 1990's and into 2010 with a graphic and GUI effects makeover. Itnow sits nicely with the 'glassy' look found in modern operating systems.Our team of developers in Japan have been busy and this release includes a full Japanese translation - both theend-user and administrator interfaces.

Japanese is the 20th non-English language now supported in PaperCut.Welcome to our growing user base in Japan!.On Windows systems common/popular virtual printers such as PDF writers and virtual faxes are now ignored frommonitoring by default.