Dllregisterserver In Ole32 Dll Failed/ Download Last Version


You can use the Regsvr32 tool (Regsvr32.exe) to register and unregister object linkingand embedding (OLE) controls such as dynamic-link library (DLL) or ActiveX Controls (OCX)files that are self-registerable. /u - Unregister server/i - Call DllInstall passing it an optional cmdline; when used with /u calls dlluninstall/n - do not call DllRegisterServer; this option must be used with /iWhen you use Regsvr32.exe, it attempts to load the component and call itsDLLSelfRegister function.

If this attempt is successful, Regsvr32.exe displays a dialogindicating success.

Dllregisterserver In Ole32 Dll Failed/ Download Last Version Of Adobe Flash Player

Hello,I am one of MANY who can no longer print after upgrading to IE 9!! This is not a print driver issue as I also cannot print to PDF using PDF Exchange Pro. I have tried every suggestion I have found online including resetting IE to default settings. Nothingworks!I have no problem printing with Firefox 4.0.1 or any other application.The only thing I have not been able to do is a suggestion found in the following thread:Every time I print I get an error code 0 -%1 is not a valid Win32 application.The above thread suggested re-registering ole32.dll.I enter 'regsvr32 ole32.dll' and get an error which says 'The module ole32.dll was loaded but the call to DllRegisterServer failed with error code 0x80070005.'

If I enter 'regsvr 32 /u ole32.dll' I get the following error: 'The module ole32.dll was loaded but the entry-point DllUnregisterServer was not found'.I checked and the version of ole32.dll is at version 6.1.7601.17514 with a size of 1,414,144 bytes.I don't know if ole32.dll is the problem but it is certainly suspicious that I cannot register this module.I have no problem registering other modules such as ' actxprxy.dll'which was also suggested in the thread I referenced. The only module I have found with this problem is ole32.dll.Please advise.ThanksAllen. Hi, What is the make and model number of the printer? What is the exact error message you get while trying to print from Internet Explorer 9?Method 1:I would suggest you follow the steps provided in the link below and check if it helps:Method 2:You may also try steps from the link below:Method 3:If you are using canon printer, then I would suggest you follow the instructions provided in the link below and check if it helps:Method 4:Run SFC scan and check if it fixes the file registering issue. Hi Imran,I've tried everything in the articles you referenced, except one of the follow on's to the SFC so I'll try that one again later on today and upate this thread this evening sometime.I'm not sure why the question about which printer I have though. As I stated this problem is NOT just my printer, it is also when I use a completely different printer called PDF Exchange Pro which simply prints to a PDF file. This problem only happens withIE 9, Firefox is fine as are all other applications.BUt to answer your question I have a Brother Laser Printer, model 4070CDW.I mentioned the error I am getting in my initial post, so to reiterate:Line: 2053Char: 1Error:%1 is not a valid Win32 applicationCode: 0URL: res://ieframe.dll/preview.jsIt does not matter whether I answer Yes or No to the prompt 'Do you want to continue running scripts on this page'.

It does not work no matter what I answer.Thanks and I'll let you know about the last KB article you referenced sometime this evening.Allen. Hi,Yes I have confirmed my printer drivers are up to date and support IE 9.SFC detected a problem with XpsPrint.dll and was not able to correct it. Looked at backup copies in 'winxsxs' directory and all versions of this file I had on the computer had the same checksums (MD 5, CRC 32, etc). I went ahead and went through the appropriateprocedure to replace the 'live' copy of this file with one of the others appropriate to SP 1 and of course it did not make a difference - problem still there.However, I have resolved the problem - please see below for the controlled steps I took:.

Dllregisterserver In Ole32 Dll Failed/ Download Last Version Inf Jump Wearedevs

Restored a Ghost image backup taken the day before the IE 9 upgrade. Printing worked at this point and SFC did NOT show any problems. Upgraded again to IE 9 and the problem returned and SFC came back with the error on 'XpsPrint.dll' again!. Ran 'chkdsk /r' to make sure no problems on C drive. All was OK.I said OK, I have a hunch and wanted to change the order of IE 9 vs installing SP 1.

Originally SP 1 had been done first, followed by IE 9 sometime later. Hi Smitty,It reported a Hash error but the thing was that all copies of XpsPrint.dll on my computer had the same hash.So if there were a problem with the file it seems it should have shown an error before I upgraded to IE 9. Yet, when I restored a Ghost image taken the day before installing IE 9, not only did the print problem clear but SFC was clean as well.I have even taken the liberty of verifying hashes of multiple versions of 'XpsPrint.dll' and I can say that the hash NOW (with a fresh install of SP 1) is NOT the same as it was when I had the problem. And the hash also is not the same as with myoriginal install of SP 1.

So clearly this DLL was the problem. Yet why did it work with my original install of SP 1 and IE 8 but NOT with IE 9??Somehow that DLL got corrupted in some way that SFC was not able to detect until I upgraded to IE 9. The hash from before I upgraded to IE 9 was the same as before, yet this problem did not exist when I was on IE 8.Have to admit, very unusual.I started checking the hashes after I had resolved the problem and restored the one file 'XpsPrint.dll' from different strategic Norton Ghost Image backups.Hope this makes sense.:)Thanks muchAllen. Comment: With all due respect, I'd very much doubt a printer driver dated (less than a month after IE9 Beta was released) would be supported in IE9 Final.

YMMV, of course.That being said. How do I uninstall IE9?Does the behavior persist if you uninstall IE9 (as a troubleshooting measure), reboot twice and do NOT reinstall it?Microsoft offers home users no-charge telephone support for IE9 install and uninstall issues. You may also be eligible for telephone support if your issue causes your computer to crash or if IE9 does not let you browse all sites. In the US and CA, call (800)642-7676.Non-US/CA residents can see this page: - Robear Dyer (PA Bear) Microsoft MVP (Windows Client) since October 2002. Hi Robear,My printer is a network printer, connected to the router just so you know how it is set up.

Secondly why do you think that a printer must have a new driver just because IE 9 came out? That may or may not be the case - you are making an assumption.Why are we even talking about drivers when the problem is now solved (with the SAME drivers) and the problem affected ALL print devices?I think you are forgetting a few things I have already pointed out.This problem just started when I originally installed IE 9 and went away as soon as I restored an IMAGE backup taken just before IE 9 was installed.The problem did not happen with IE 8.Most importantly are you glossing over the fact that SFC found a problem with Windows OWN DLL (XpsPrint.dll)?? This was clearly related to the problem!The problem is resolved now and I've listed the steps taken.

All drivers are the same as before and the problem is no longer present and SFC also does not find any problems any more.Are you still maintaining this 'was' a driver issue?I am a software engineer and am not new to troubleshooting issues like this and I think I have presented pretty good evidence above along with a good chronological time line. I also presented facts about the differences in hashes of this one DLL.Allen.