Teamviewer Host 7721

What?How is it even possible that 2019 is coming to an end already?Hasn´t it just started?Well - we might have been so busy in the last year that we did not feel the time passing. Anyways, let´s quickly review 2019:You might still remember that we increased our community offer this year and launched three new language communities:A German Community in January 2019 supported by @Natascha and her teamA French Community in March 2019 supported by @JeanK and his team.A Spanish Community in April 2019 supported by @AlenaC and her team.Building those communities was a lot of fun for the full team, and we met incredibly great users supporting us on our way to making these communities a success for all!

Thanks for all your help, and keep on rocking our communities! You´re simply the best!With increasing the number of communities, our user base grew as well, and we are happy to see more than 250.000 Community members and hundreds of thousands of visitors each week browsing our forums and Knowledge Bases to becoming TeamViewer Experts.Not to forget that we put high effort into increasing the number and the quality of our Knowledge Base articles in 2019. Hi @Closed accountThanks for your feedback!We value your opinion, and we appreciate active and critical users!We believe the best way to build a better product is in collaboration with our users. Your feedback is crucial for understanding your needs and solving the right problems. To achieve that we have our User Focus Program. In this program, you get exclusive previews and can give early feedback on ideas, concepts, and potential new features!It would be an honor to also have you in our program and we would like to invite you to apply for the program here: are looking forward to receiving your feedback on the UI and other ideas, concepts, and potential new features soon.Thanks and best,Esther.

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We released a new version of the Remote Control app for Android.Operating system: AndroidVersion: 15.1.24Release date: 2019-12-17Change Log:Solved an issue which prevented to send key combination to the remote deviceSolved an issue which showed the connection instructions at each session startSolved an issue where account details were not updated correctly in the app settingsSolved an issue which showed a toast each time the toolbar was collapsedMinor fixes and improvementsDownload the app from Google Play. Hi @BadAnimalThanks for your questions.For TeamViewer 9 there are no command-line arguments available.The MSI can be downloaded from the Design & Deploy page as shown in @JeanK screenshot above, but only if a Corporate license is attached to the TeamViewer account. A Premium license does not have the option of using the MSI.The reg file can hold all sorts of settings like licenses, passwords and other settings you know from the TeamViewer options.If you want you can contact the TeamViewer Support through our ticket portal and they can help you having a look at your reg file to tell you what's in it.I hope this info helps you:-)Best, Esther. Hi @BadAnimalYou are totally right and I apologize!

Of course, it is a major version and not minor. I edited my initial reply above already.Here is a link for downloading TeamViewer 8 and 9 directly/manually:Download TeamViewer 8 and 9We will activate the auto-update in the next week. I am sorry that I can not tell you the exact day as of now.To start a connection, you need to download the Full Version and your users can have the full version, the host module or the Quick Support module.Thanks and best,Esther. Hi @BadAnimalThanks for your post and your questions.It is our top priority to ensure the best possible service and security for the connectivity solutions our users trust in. As it is technically not possible to continue the support of version 7 and below with the service quality that is expected from our customers, the versions will be deprecated.Regarding the auto-update: It depends on the type of client your 100+ users are using: Do they have a full version, Host or QuickSupport?If they have the full version or Host module, the will receive an automatical update within the next days, if auto-updates are enabled e.g. With 'within this minor major version' in the TeamViewer options under (Extras - Options - Advanced - Install new versions automatically).If they have a QuickSupport, you are now benefitting from the QuickSupport modules created and maintained via the Management Console.

The page you used formerly to create the modules has been replaced by a centralized customization center in the management console. From there, you can tailor your module, without having to care about different operating systems or update s as this is done automatically for you. You can simply send your users your personalized link to get your new QuickSupport module.Best, Esther. Hi @AlexoThanks for your post and your question!You still have the customized modules available! The page you used formerly has been replaced by a centralized customization center in the management console.

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From there, you can tailor your module, without having to care about different operating systems or update s as this is done automatically for you.See also: QuickSupport and SOS button and Brand Your TeamViewer Modules for an Integrated Appearance and Customized QuickSupport moduleYour custom modules will still work until January 15th, but I recommend to replace the QuickSupport modules before it. The best thing is: You get a link, you can share with your users or simply replace the action which lies behind your QuickSupport Button on your web page.I hope this info helps you.Best, Esther.

Teamviewer Importregfile 1

Hi @dresden88Thanks for your post and safe travels!To connect to your Mac, you need the TeamViewer ID shown on the TeamViewer application as well as access permissions (via a personal password or easy access permissions).If you did not save the ID of your Home Mac in your Computers & Contacts list, your last chance might be someone at home who can tell you the ID of your Mac and the random password shown on the application. With that info, you can connect, create a personal password, and save the ID in your Computers & Contacts list so that you can access the device at a later point again.Here are a few helpful articles to get more information:Personal passwordEasy accessRandom PasswordComputers & ContactsI hope this information help you.Best, Esther. Hi everyone,First of all, thank you very much for your contributions and your feedback regarding this Change Log and/or release.Surely you have already noticed that since we have switched to the subscription model, we are releasing a new TeamViewer update every month.As all updates of the TeamViewer software are included in the subscription, there are -of course- no additional costs for our license holders with the subscription plan.Most of you do remember, TeamViewer used to offer only annual updates. Therefore, the new features in such a new major version were much more extensive.Now we are offering all customers and free users monthly updates with sometimes more and sometimes less new features.