Ship Loading Software


Ship Loading ComputerLOADPLUS.creative and reliableloadingcomputer systemSolutions for:-. Containers. Tankers. Bulk Carrier.

Ro/Ro. CAOS (Car Auto-Stowage Operating System). Special ship - (Ro-Pax, Navy Vessel, FPSO, FSO, Drill Ship, CableLayer, etc)Excelled at developing loadingcomputer that are technologically advanced, user friendly and achieved thehighest levels of performance and acceptance in the marine industry.Oursoftware has been approved by leading Classification Societies andtill now many vessels are equipped with the LoadPlusprogram. LoadPlus enables you to verify promptly its stability, trim,drafts and deflection of the hull. At the same time, it calculates stabilityand strength automatically. The program gives you a visible windowinformation about the calculated results for the current loading condition.We provide continuous help and after sales service for the customer. Theships' crew will be given a thorough training in every aspects of thesoftware.By combining innovative technology with the addition of new, high qualityproducts, we are poised to further our foothold as one of the top loadingcomputer companies in the world.Please contact us for more details, presentation and demonstration.PROGRAM VIEWSPleaseclick into picture for enlarged vieweach view contain 05 images on 5 second rotation.CONTAINERTANKERBULK CARRIERCAOS ROROCopyright © 2016 raycOntrol pte ltd.

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Ship Loading Software

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Ship Loading Software 2017

KONGSBERG K-Load system is a modern online loading instrument that is based on a 3D geometric model of the vessels hull and inner structure. Tanks and compartments are displayed with graded colour of their content and shows the exact filling levels.The system complies with the requirements of IMO, local marine authorities and classification societies and is simultaneously ready for both online use and for planning purposes. The loading computer is developed to be an easy-to-use application that takes care of all advanced functionalities a tank vessel needs to be compliant to such as strength, stability and damage calculations.KONGSBERG K-Load is always connected to the tank gauging system, giving the operator full control of the cargo, ballast and fuel flow.

The loading computer is online in the Online Condition mode and the operator can also choose to work offline in the Planning Condition mode to carry out simulations or planning. The operator can easily transfer data between the two modes.The Direct Damage Stability module calculates the effect of all relevant damages on the vessel’s floating position and stability characteristics. Starting from the ship's current loading condition the operator may trigger a calculation of all predefined damage cases as given by the approved Damage Stability information.Available add-on modules K-Load Trim OptimisationThe add-on module is a tool to aid the operator in operating the ship in optimal trim with regards to fuel consumption.

The module is integrated into K-Load to ensure safe operation (stability, strength and damage stability) and is an efficient planning tool for both trim and displacement.K-Load Water Ballast ControlThe add-on module calculates the water ballast distribution which yields a desired floating position. The module is integrated into K-Load to ensure that the proposed ballast distribution complies with the vessels stability and strength requirements.

K-Load OfficeThe K-Load Office system contains the entire fleet of ships grouped, for example, according to vessel class. The system is particularly designed for easy access to the various ships and to easily exchange loading conditions between ship and shore through a two-way communication link.

The office system is running the same Loading Computer software as each particular ship, consequently identical results are obtained for each particular loading condition. Services & aftermarket supportOur support teams, located worldwide, are committed to helping you manage the vital balance between operational availability and cost. Wherever your vessel is located, our support is close at hand.