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A place for Limited Resources, Constructed Resources and One-For-One listeners to gather and talk about the podcasts, Limited, Constructed, value and more. Feedback is welcome - send us a message ( or through reddit), or make a post!

Rules1) You must love magic.2) You must not be a jerk.3) All content should be SFW and appropriate for all ages, just like the show.4) Don't make posts with links to the podcasts or the blog (commenting with links is fine).5) You must follow reddiquette and the Reddit rules.6) When you post a sealed pool, please do not just post an unbuilt pool, but include at least one built deck. The Shows: Limited Resources is a weekly podcast dedicated to improving your skill at Magic: The Gathering, with an emphasis on Limited play.

The show was started in 2009 with hosts Marshall Sutcliffe and Ryan Spain. In 2011 Ryan was hired into the R&D department at Wizards of the Coast, and as a result Jon Loucks joined the show as the co-host. After a long stint on the show, Jon was also hired into R&D at Wizards of the Coast in 2013. Brian Wong joined Marshall as the new co-host shortly after, but left late in 2014, making way for LSV who joined in 2015.: This is an even newer podcast about Constructed, mainly Standard focused, with the goal of having you walk away from each show feeling improved at Constructed Magic.

It features Marshall Sutcliffe (Host of all the shows here) and Jon Loucks (an old LR host, and with a one-for-one episode ).: This is a new podcast where Marshall interviews interesting people. This is not currently slated to be a regular show, but one where he can record episodes as they present themselves. HostsMarshall Sutcliffe: The longest running member of the show, and its host, Marshall is a Magic and Poker personality, as well as a commentator for Magic. He writes columns for DailyMTG He can be contacted through his twitter:, his Magic Online account: 'MarshallLR', or his Reddit account:Luis Scott-Vargas (LSV): LSV has been a respected member of the Magic Community due to his work with as an editor and writer.


He has 5 Pro Tour Top 8's (with 1 win) and 13 Grand Prix Top 8's (with 5 wins) In 2013 he was inducted into the Hall of Fame.Ryan Spain Ryan is the original co-host of Limited Resources. He and Marshall started the show together in 2009. Ryan laid much of the foundation for the show, contributing such concepts as The Vanilla Test, BCSM, ROTTY, and the Time Traveling Super Computer. Ryan works in R&D at Wizards of the Coast as a game designer.Jon Loucks: An old host of the LR podcast, and now host of the Constructed Resources podcast. A former R&D employee at WotC, he has experience with both development and play (both constructed and limited).Brian Wong (a.k.a the Brinoceros or O.B.Wong.Kenobi): In late 2014, Brian announced his intent to leave the Limited Resources after a great run as co-host. Brian is still a part of the LR family and will make appearances on the show.

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The MTGO ClanLimited Resources is proud to have the largest MTGO clan. To join, message Marshall on Magic Online at MarshallLR.

In The Crack 334 1

In The Crack 334

The only rules are that you must love magic and that you must not be a jerk. Links.Other magic subreddits.Useful Threads.Year of Modern Flashback Draft Primers.