Driver's Edge Rebate Program. Download Fasters

Hi there, I don't know much about buying car rules and laws so I hope you bare with me. I wanted to redeem my rebate by buying a car from my father. I am currently the primary driver and he is the owner of the vehicle. I have a vague understanding of the tax free gifting. On the rebate form they also ask for a Bill of Sale which I know a bit about after I Googled it. Other note that may help is no money is going to change hands between my dad and I, I just want the rebate. I hope this make sense, Iam asking on redflagdeals because I know many on this site have done this rebate and I assume some have done what I am trying to do.

So help will be greatly appreciated! Feb 28th, 2011 6:32 amSkpping over the request to 'bare with the OP', I noticed this:My recollection is that the rebate can't exceed the total price of the car.

Citi Driver's Edge Rebates


Sinner touch of sin rar. Did you check the terms of the drivers edge card?- sandy.Sandy, my quote above is taken from the card's TOS. And what you remember is indeed correct.Upon further thinking about this, there is an issue (quite a big one):. In order to transfer the vehicle over tax-free, it has to be a gift from a qualifying family member, i.e. Purchase value of $0. This is according to.

If the purchase price is $0 (since it's a gift), OP does not qualify for a rebate.OP, I suspect the only reason you're considering the ownership transfer is to claim the rebate. I'm afraid you cannot transfer ownership for free AND claim rebate for this particular car - you'll have to pick one.In fact, the only legit options I can see are:. Pay tax on the car (on the wholesale price listed in the UVIP), then claim rebate, OR. Pay no tax on the car (since you'll list it as a gift), do not claim rebate.It would be illegal to transfer the car as a gift, then file a bill-of-sale showing an actual $ amount when requesting your rebate.