Download Map Hack Dota 1.26a Garena Plus

  1. Download Map Hack Dota

So, I downloaded it.but how do I use it?As I already mentioned, extract the rar and put all files into your Warcraft 3 folder. If you want, you can change some options, but the default ones should be fine. Just run Warcraft 3 and it will automatically load.and what is a rar file?In short, it’s a archive which contains files. Download and install WinRAR in order to unpack them.and it doesn’t work.Run Warcraft III as admin. If it still doesn’t work, please provide some information (such as your Operating system) in this thread.and I want to distribute it all over the internet without credits.Distribution on other websites is strictly prohibited. Linking to this page, however, is fine.but where’s my source code to change some stuff and release it on my own?There’s no source code and there will never be one.

Period.and I cracked your offsets and changed stuff with a hex editor!Good work sheriff!and I can’t run Warcraft after I closed it once.Open up your task manager, go to Processes, search for war3.exe and terminate it.and what are the default hotkeys? I just see some weird numbers.Those are actually hex numbers determining the keys. F5 is for toggling the maphack on/off, and Plus/Minus on your Numpad allow you to change the distance ingame. A link to all available keys is provided in the settings file.and I can’t connect to BNet?Yes, this is a known bug.

Once you joined single player, lan or BNet, you cannot connect to BNet before restarting Warcraft.and it throws out some error which includes “MSVCR100.dll”! What’s wrong?You need the Visual C 2010 Runtime (x86) in order to run it.and when I start Warcraft, all I get is a black screen. Nothing more.Make sure to run your Warcraft as admin, turn of all Antivirus programs and if nothing of these work, run Warcraft in XP compatibility mode aswell.and nothing changes. No hotkeys work, nothing.(Re)install the Visual C 2010 x86.

Yes, x86, no matter if you got a 32bit or 64bit system.I got banned!I don’t care. There’s always a risk, but if you got really banned because of my maphack, WUtil is detected aswell and there’ll be more people crying about it.Are there any credits?Yes. Exzap from skillhackers for some really great help on major things. Marcus and Chaotic for other important help. Jolinar for being awesome.

Tracky for the neat icon idea!. aCid for his TextOut function. Lynn for the source of his Manabars. D3Scene for being a great community.


Of leechers. You for using my hack. Download DotaHIT v0.999s3 + Replay Parser and Replay Finder. It’s time for the 0.999s3 version release.

Download Map Hack Dota

“I’m working on a program, which would calculate various data about your hero. For example, I want my program to be able to show the actual increase in dps of your hero, if he had learned some skill that gives him bonus damage, show total spell resistance, EHP and everything else that is possible to calculate and useful to know about your hero. I do that only because i dislike (nothing personal ) other dota-oriented programs that i have seen.”.

Okay the reason i created this section is because currently DotaHIT development progress is slow. As you can notice, I’ve tried to fix that by cooperating with another programmer but it didnt work out. Personally I dont have enough motivation to spend most of my free time on DotaHIT – I always have more interesting things in mind, besides, DotaHIT already does more than enough for my needs. So, I’ve decided to suggest another way of speeding up DotaHIT development – paid implementation of features. That is, you pay me money and I implement the feature you would like to have in DotaHIT. It’s not that I’m making DotaHIT a paid tool or smth, its just that money could be the only thing that can keep my motivation to spend free time on DotaHIT development. Here are the general rules to this.

As of right now, and already support this protocol. It will take some time for other servers, platforms and tools to update to support this protocol, but the tool (and the server) are open source. There are already various platforms and communities working on expanding on these features and integrating them.

Anyone is free to use the source code to improve their services for the community. The tool is currently set up to connect to in LAN mode, but can be modified to be used with many different platforms. GProxy works by connecting to and requesting a list of games and then displaying those games on the LAN screen of your Warcraft III. Any games which support GProxy reconnections will show up in blue and all other games will show up in white. You will need to connect to a “blue” game in order to be protected by GProxy. Note that GProxy doesn’t automatically start displaying the public game list, you will need to use the “/public” command to do this. If you want to join a private game you will need to tell GProxy to look for that game with the “/game My Game Name” command.

Since you must join the game from the LAN screen your Warcraft III will not be directly connected to and therefore whispers and notices will not be sent in the usual way. GProxy will relay whispers to and from you but it cannot make those whispers show up in green therefore they will appear as chat messages originating from you. Due to the way Warcraft III handles replies, you must use the “/re” command instead of “/r” to reply to a whisper, but beware that if someone else whispers you while you are typing your reply the reply will go to them instead of the intended recipient. Problems:The script had a big overhaul of leak fixing and decrypting. Skills might not work, unseen bugs might occur.

Be prepared and report.JUST REMEMBER: DO NOT COMPLAIN ABOUT THE BUGS! THEY ARE THERE AND THEY ARE ANNOYING!List of Incomplete AI’s:Kunkka, Clockwerk Globlin, Visage, Wisp, Giro, Erader,Here’s also a list of Heroes that AI uses and its worth making them to -airepick:Alchemist, Spiritbreaker, Bristleback, Lycanthrope, Undying, Lone Druid, Templar Assassin, Soul Keeper,Storm Spirit, Windrunner, Batrider, Tinker, Techies.


Download DotA 6.68c AI Fun v2.4c – Dota Allstars v6.68c Ai Fun 2.4c Map and Changelogs. DotA AI Fun map has just released! For those who not yet familiar, DotA AI Fun is a regular DotA AI map which is added with (+ more 25) fun heroes. It is Deel, a member of PlayDota forums, who decided to continue the DotA AI Fun map development (the original maker is Overflow). Even though he’s not yet added new contents, at least now we can play the Fun heroes in DotA 6.68c instead of DotA 6.67b.

Check out the download link and tavern list below!